Save the dates. Showrooms Spring/Summer 2023.

Here is an overview of when and where we can be found at which trade shows and order shows for spring/summer 2023. THE QUARTERMASTER will be exhibiting with us for the first time in Frankfurt from July 04th to 05th.

KENTAURUS x Andersen-Andersen testimonial videos

KENTAURUS was the second store we featured as part of our Andersen-Andersen Testimonial Video Project. As with the first video shoot with bubeundkoenig, we had a lot of fun in Cologne and think that the result is quite respectable. But take a look for yourself …

Here are a few Behind-The-Scene pictures, which show the good atmosphere that prevailed during the whole video shoot and photo shooting. Despite all the lightness, that is work. But our man behind the camera Isaak is professional enough to keep everyone happy at all times.

Follow us on Instagram ›› @amtraq @kentaurus_store @kentaurus_denim_shop @isaak_papadopoulos @lifetimegear @andersen_andersen_dk

bubeundkoenig x Andersen-Andersen testimonial videos

We proudly present this films featuring the precious brand Andersen-Andersen from Denmark featured by bubeundkoenig, Nuremberg, Germany. We developed the concept and were responsible for the creative direction of the films. The realization – films and pre-/post-production – was done by Isaak Papadopolus from Frankfurt, Germany, whom we would like to thank once again for his creativity, professionalism and patience :). Well done Isaak!

We have had a lot of fun with Raimar and Steven from buk, the third partner Sandro was unfortunately on vacation when we made the recordings, and above all Alex The Greengrocer” owner of @vitaminoase. More authenticity is not possible (Video 03). Her some pics from behind the scenes …

Follow us on Instagram ›› @amtraq @isaak_papadopoulos @lifetimegear @vitaminoase @bubeundkoenig @andersen_andersen_dk